Tuesday, May 28, 2013

See ya, St. Olaf!

So, this is it. I am now officially a graduate of St. Olaf College. I've received my diploma. I've moved out of my dorm. I don't have a roommate anymore (except, I guess, for my family's cat). Probably worst of all, the stuff of my entire life, from 2nd grade to 22 years old, is all crammed into my childhood room, just waiting to be sorted out. Normally, I like a challenge, but this one is HUGE, and it's a bit overwhelming.

But, as my friends and I were half-celebrating, half-lamenting, this is what change is. It is overwhelming, and scary, and exciting, and exhilarating. It's about nostalgia as much as it is about looking ahead. So, in small tribute to the wonderful memories I've made in college, here's some photographic evidence:

Spice Girls for Halloween!

Glacier National Park and a road trip that will never be forgotten. (The water was so cold.)

Doing a little bathroom decorating...

Street Scene, by Kurt Weill. This lovely man was my grandpa.

BBQ time with the summer camp staff!

A little sombrero fun during rehearsal for Leonard Bernstein's Candide!
Stereotypes were definitely involved, but fun was had by all.

I don't think I could explain this picture if I tried.
My "happy graduate" face.

All of the happy graduates!

Here we go, friends. I've got lots of exploring to do!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Like a Phoenix...

Graduation is this weekend, and I can't believe it. I'm sitting in my room, sans furniture, watching Norwegian reality TV with my roommate. I can't really pack until my parents come tomorrow with crates and storage totes, so now I wait. It is strange to think that I will receive my diploma and leave this campus after four years; I will have a harder time leaving than I thought. I've made many incredible memories and had lots of adventures, but I've also outgrown some of the ideologies of this place. Perhaps the important thing to remember is that from this end comes a great beginning, and I can't wait to get started! India, here I come!